Outstanding Assets And Liabilities Form In Kannada

Judge High Court of Karnataka.
Assets and liabilities form in kannada. Elevation 24-10-2013 Judge High Court of Karnataka. Reserve Fund and other Reserves. Liability is defined as obligations that your business.
Head of Department Recommendation Form - PSC2A REVISED 2016 Local Agreement Form PSC 38 Revised 2017. For the Quarter ended. I Statutory Reserve Fund ii Building Fund iii Dividend equalization Fund iv Revaluation Reserve vProvision for standard assets.
In lakhs Item 3103. More Kannada words for assets and liabilities. Rating 7 votes Created by Super User.
Declaration of Income Assets and Liabilities Form. I am aware that making a false statement in this affidavit could result in any order of the court being set aside and criminal proceedings being brought against me. The liabilities are the expenses like the account payable salary payable etc.
The form is to be submitted within 5 months from the end of each financial year. This video explains the differences between assets and liabilities. DECLARATION OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES.
You will see real world examples of assets as well as liabilities. Public servants as defined in the recently amended lokpal act 2016 are to file a statement of movable immovable assets debts and other liabilities under the new format. To put it in other words liabilities are the obligations that are rising out of previous transactions which is payable by the enterprise through the assets possessed by the enterprise.