Divine Balance As Per Passbook

Balance as per passbook Rs.
Balance as per passbook. The first step is to recognize the characters as they appear on the Cash Book or the Pass Book. Hence the balances as per bank column of the cashbook must agree with the balance as per passbook. Interest credited by the bank but not entered into the cash book 100 Balance as per cash book 2200 4800.
For example the credit balance is considered as bank overdraft in Cash Book while as an asset in Pass Book. In the bank statement where the balance is followed by Dr. This will reflect as credit balance as per the passbook.
The items causing the disagreement be analysed as Rs 1550 being cheques not credited in the pass book as on 31st December should be deducted from the passbook as overdraft in the passbook is higher by this amount. Balance as per Cash Book means the balance as per the Bank column of the Cash Book which is maintained by the trader or Banks client. Of course the balances will be equal and opposite in nature.
The given balance is over draft as per Passbook. Or sometimes OD means that there is an overdraft and called debit balance as per passbook. This Cash Book is.
On 31st December 2004 the bank balance as per Union Bank Statement and the State Bank statement were Rs 556 and Rs 1308 respectively. Cheques issued but not yet presented for payment 2500. Causes of Difference in the bank balance as per Cashbook and the Passbook.
In the above illustration the amount received as interest will have to be debited in the Cash Book and the bank charges credited in it. Overdrafts are where the bank account becomes negative and the businesses in effect have borrowed from the bank. 24600 12600 12000 Pass Book.