Supreme Petty Cash Certificate For Audit Format

Cash flow and size of fund over audit period should be checked for possible misuse.
Petty cash certificate for audit format. Petty Cash Has petty cash been used for expenses under 2000. Additional comments Verification Certificate. You can give the denomination of the notes say Rs1000 x 30nos Rs30000 and the same is applicable for coins too.
Sign the paper and get the same signed by the person incharge of cash of the organisation u r auditing. All receipts should be compared to budgeted amounts and material variances should be explained. The other form is empty where the details can be printed.
Budget Code for Float. This way we can evaluate the reasons behind any major fluctuation of cash balances in order to alert to the risks involving cash. Here is very simple letter format for mailing Account balance to customer as well as asking him to provide confirmation for the same.
The denomination of the cash balance is as follows. Petty cash certificate for audit format A company typically uses petty cash to make small purchases or reimburse employees for minor expenditures. Name Tittle Signature.
Identified petty cash floats allocated to individual float holders within the directorates totalling 52738 20042005. Also it is very useful in the audit of petty cash this way. Has the reimbursement cheque been allocated to the correct expense columns.
As part of the Audit a certificate was forwarded to all petty cash float holders to be signed and returned confirming monies held. Audit of Petty Cash 3 October 2015 30 AUDIT RESULTS 31 Establishment and Use Control criteria. Petty cash floats are set up in accordance with appropriate regulations Financial regulations.